Tag: local



What’s in a Name – L’Ancresse Bay

L'Ancresse - The Anchorage. (place name) Corruption of Norman French 'ancre' - anchor So, no surprise then that this flat sandy bay in the north of the island should be named as an "anchorage". What is surprising though is one of the stories associated with how it was given this name. That is the story of when Robert "the devil" Duke of Normandy met the Abbot of St Michel du Valle


Guernsey’s WWI Military & Convalescence Hospitals

Whilst the RGLI can be considered Guernsey’s ‘official’ response to the war it wasn’t the islands only one. One such contribution was the creation of a number of hospital facilities right here on the island for soldiers who were returning sick or wounded from the trenches.

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The Guernsey Dingbat Quiz 3

Dingbats are always a good source for visio-cryptic style quiz questions. So in this article we’ve created some exclusive Guernsey themed Dingbats – they are either Guernsey Places or ‘Guernsey things’.

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The Guernsey Dingbat Quiz 2

Dingbats are always a good source for visio-cryptic style quiz questions. So in this article we’ve created some exclusive Guernsey themed Dingbats – they are either Guernsey Places or ‘Guernsey things’.

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The Guernsey Dingbat Quiz

Dingbats are always a good source for visio-cryptic style quiz questions. So in this article we’ve created some exclusive Guernsey themed Dingbats – they are either Guernsey Places or ‘Guernsey things’.

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The Guernsey Sleeve

The Guernsey fisherman’s jumper is a well known garment with a long history. Less well know is another Guernsey garment the ‘Guernsey Sleeve’.

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The Guernsey Tapestry

Visually appealing, technically excellent and educationally valuable, the Guernsey Tapestry and its’ accompanying texts teaches not only our Islands history but also art, craft, and design, whilst illustrating the value of community spirit, dedication and planning.

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The Knitting Industry in Guernsey

The knitting industry in Guernsey today is all but extinct. However there was a time when it used to be quite a sizable proportion of her GDP with the majority of her population involved in it in some way or another, both women and men.

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Game for a Laugh – Some Channel Island Jokes

If you can’t laugh at yourselves every once in a while then something is seriously lacking. here we’ve gathered together a few Channel Island Jokes that play on the rivalries and stereotypes we as islanders like to apply to each other.

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Roman Guernsey – Lisia

Contrary to to popular belief the Romans didn’t call Guernsey Sarnia. It is likely that the name they gave it was Lisia.

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