How would you rate your knowledge of our dear old Sarnia Cherie ? Are you a ‘Bailiwick Brainiac‘ or a ‘Channel Island Chump‘ when it comes to an appreciation of the history and culture of THE best Channel Island ?
Test your knowledge with 25 questions we’ve prepared to tempt & tease out those nuggets of information that we’re sure you will have squirrelled away somewhere in the recesses of your brain. And if not, and it’s all new to you, then, hey – “Every day is a school day” as they say 🙂
Enjoy !
Roll over a question to reveal its answer.
(1) What is the closest island to Guernsey?
(2) Who is featured on the back of the Guernsey £1 note?
(3) Who wrote the book about island people called The Toilers of the Sea ?
(4) What was the name of the star shaped fort on the western end of Rocquaine Bay?
(5) Saumarez Park is located in what Guernsey parish?
(9) What is the name of the chapel on Guernsey thought to be the smallest in the world?
(11) Which ‘Son of Guernsey’ died defending Canada in 1812?
(12) What was the name of the Guernsey Admiral who served aboard the HMS. Victory ?
(13) The local fruit cake dating from the 18th century is called what?
(15) In what Period did the Stone de Croze settle in Guernsey?
(16) What is the name of the college featured on the front of the Guernsey £10 note?
(17) What is the name of the underground military museum?
(18) How many times did the French capture Castle Cornet between 1338 and 1344?
(19) Which fort is on the Guernsey £5 note?
(20) What happened at the site of the Occupation Monument in 1940?
(21) What bay is also referred to as Grandes Rocques?
(23) Who is the Patron Saint of Guernsey?
(24) Who owns Hauteville House?
(25) What famous Guernseyman was the publisher of his newspaper the Miroire Politique, in 1813?