Tag: german history
Kaiser Wilhelm II – The Man Who Changed Euro...
Jan 24, 2017 | History |
Charlemagne- The Greatest Emperor Since the Romans...
Jun 7, 2016 | History |
Otto von Bismarck – The Iron Chancellor
Nov 3, 2015 | History |
Sowing the Seeds of Future Conflict : Germany̵...
Mar 13, 2015 | History |
World War One Timeline
Aug 5, 2014 | General Interest, History |
LatestPopes, Protests and Protestants : Martin Luther and his legacy
The period know as the Reformation came about largely due to the actions and corrupt practices of the medieval Catholic Church. The split started when a German Monk named Martin Luther, who was so disgusted with the behaviour of Catholic clerics, initiated what we would call today a 'Back to Basics' campaign. In this article we look at what happened at this seminal moment in Church history.