Let it not be said that we at guernseyDonkey.com ever short change you when it comes to answering some of those random questions that have a habit of flitting across our minds from time to time, or that we skimp on adding to that great body of knowledge that we like to call “Internet Fluff”.
So here’s an offering for you now … “What did Medieval Monks get up to ?”, “What was the daily life as a monk like ?”
According to the rules of St. Benedict
5:45 am | Wake up | 6:00 am | 1st Church service ~ Prime |
6:30 am | Breakfast : Talking was not allowed during meals. | |
7:00 am | Chapter House meeting : After the Monks said mass they confessed their sins. They were then given their tasks for the day. They may also have had some time for private reading and prayer. | |
9:00 am | 2nd Church service ~ Terce : Including High Mass | |
9:30 am | Work : The monks worked on the abbey farms or had specialised work in the abbey (e.g. copying manuscripts in the scriptorium, looking after the sick in the infirmary). | |
12:00 noon | 3rd Church service ~ Sext | 1:00 pm | Main meal : Food was made from vegetables or fish. Meat was allowed only for monks who were ill |
1:30 pm | Sleep, Reading or Prayer | |
3:00 pm | 4th Church service ~ None | 3:30 pm | More work : as per the morning! |
6:00 pm | 5th Church service ~ Vespers | |
7:00 pm | Private Reading and Prayer | |
9:00 pm | 6th Church service ~ Compline | |
9:30 pm | Go to bed | |
Midnight | Wake up – 7th & 8th Church services ~ Matins, followed by Lauds | |
1:00 am | Return to bed | |
5:45 am | Wake up & do it all again !! |
Well doesn’t seem that interesting after all does it?